Wanderings & Witterings

By IvarBlipS


Despite having got the 'all-clear' from my PCR test yesterday afternoon, it was approaching mid-afternoon today before I actually got out for a walk.

The morning was spent dealing with other 'pings' on my phone: people registering for a Ramblers walk I'm due to lead next week, and numerous emails and WhatsApp messages about a number of church initiatives that are on the go at the moment. Add to that a two-hour blether on the phone with friends (they use VoIP so made the call!) and that took me up to lunchtime.

A trip into Falkirk for a food shop was followed by a short drive over to Lionthorn Community Woodland and a walk around there. Blip tick.

Here's to Blipfoto on their 17th Anniversary and to its founder, Joe Tree. This Blip's for them.

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