Low pressure

Ultimately tired. I have been sailing over troubled seas of work lately and now finally some time to sort out things and prioritize. Or maybe I just have given up somehow. I don't know. I do not remember when was the holiday...

Took nap in the afternoon, a half hour nap, while I had a meatloaf in the oven. Felt so good.

Anyway, it seemed that hubby had moved my wlan station into living room and that is why I had no proper internet anymore, but had to move myself into livingroom for a moment to gain proper connections.
Today as I told that my collague told, that we'd need a mesh, he went shopping again and arranged three spotted mesh wlan system for us. I am not sure what is enough and what is too much. Successfully the mesh -system was now for sale, only 89euros (normally 180-400euros).

I hope that I could go back into the office, work there. Concentrate there. Eat there, work and enjoy myself there just as long as I like. Normal working. But unfortunately corona rates are rising again. But having two vaccines, we could work in the office, I guess.

Rain rain rain and low pressure too.
Hopefully Nicke the poodle comes over tomorrow!!!


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