......... I spotted a some horses in a field when I was out yesterday, one of which had a small foal by it’s side. I didn’t have my camera with me then so I thought I would go back today to see if I could get a shot of mother and foal together ......... unfortunately, just as I was walking up the hill to the field I saw the foal lie down and the mother wander off. I continued to walk up to the fence in case the foal changed it’s mind ...... but it didn’t, so you have it as an extra....... I will return another day to see if I can catch them together ;-)
Today’s blip is one of the other horses in the same field who was extremely friendly and wanted lots of fuss, of course I obliged........ but he was so close to me that this was the best photo I could get of him and his wonderful flowing mane and forelock and in particular, his strikingly beautiful blue eye ;-))
It was so incredibly cold out there in the strong wind that it was a bit of a shock to the system even though I was quite well wrapped up, brrrrrrrr.
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