
By Farmerboab

Trench warfare......

Another day of this and that.
When I fed the cattle this morning I managed to persuade the Angus bull out the gate and along the main road and into the steading. The plan was he was going away tomorrow,but by tonight that plan was out the window,so now hopefully next week.
After breakfast Kev and myself headed next door to help bring the 19 Blks that are sold and ( hopefully ) going to be collected. Surprisingly they came down to the shed without any hassles.
After lunch there was a lorry arrived in with some sheep feed blocks. Seemingly the rest are coming tomorrow as he didn't have room on the load for it all. If it was me ,I would have held off until I had room for it all on one load and saved a double journey. But I'm not a transport manager !
An evening spent on domestic repairs.
Mrs F was wanting her new mirror hung above the lounge fireplace. The lath and plaster wall wasn't the best thing to fix things to but I got there in the end. Then a new blind fitted in the down stairs cloakroom. Hopefully that will keep the peace for a while now !
The drainers made a start on the 20 acres that the quarry re instated last year. This big drainage machine has a huge blade that cuts a trench and feeds the drainage pipe into the ground. A tractor and gravel cart feeds a hopper with 20 mm gravel which goes on top of the pipe to help the water percolate through. Everything is guided by a laser to get the levels right so the water runs in the pipes.

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