Relaxing view

Lots of things to do today.
Bazouges market to get bread from Bruno. We had a coffee outside bar opposite his stall.
Then doctor at Dol. Remplacement today whom I know quite well. He’s worried about lung issues and can’t understand length of time being taken over further analyses. So of course I’m more worried now too.
Went on to St Malo and C&A were I hurriedly bought three jumpers and some socks.

Drove back via Pontorson as bungalow for sale there. Couldn’t find it but it’s in an interesting area I didn’t know.Might be worth viewing but don’t fancy driving over again soon.

Gales hit northern France last night and lots of hazards on roads today as so many fallen trees and branches. Sun out this afternoon and drove along coast and then came across cows and egret fields again.

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