The best laid plans…
… of mice and men gang aft a-gley.
Yesterday we had the not particularly welcome news that masks were now recommended in crowded places. As a wearer of specs that steams up easily I prefer not to view the world through a haze. But it makes sense and I managed to find a pack of masks left over from my series of selfies stuffed down the back of the sofa so I was good to go.
The other news was that the NHS has given us enough lateral flow tests for everyone to test twice weekly. I was going to collect mine yesterday but the Covid testing tent marquee on the harbour blew down during yesterday’s storm. They have now moved base to the Guernsey Information Centre so that was the first job of the day. I now have enough tests to last me well into January!
I had a pedicure booked at 11.00 and yesterday I booked my flu jab for 12.40 today. So the decision to be made… hang around between the two appointments or go home for a short while in between. I made the decision to go home. Now the sensible thing would have been to walk down the White Rock for some harbour photographs but I didn’t think of it then. So I came home and was just about to put my feet up for half an hour when my phone rang. It was my GPs surgery to say that Public Health have decided that GPs should only give the flu jab to over 80s. Those aged 65 - 79 will be given them with their Covid booster. Perfect! I could sit down with a mug of coffee and continue with today’s crossword. But hang on, where’s the blip? I was going to get that when I was back in town for the jab.
So you have a pic of the lateral flow tests and the crossword.
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