I love it when this happens.

Set off for Westwood to check on those photographer's favourites - Autumn colours and fungi.  Walked Ginny through there first with iPhone and intended returning with my camera,  leaving her to snooze in the car for a while.  Colourwise the woods not quite ready yet and apart from one small brown puffball there was a surprising lack of fungi considering the rain we had yesterday.  Just "Googled" timing of fungi after rain and apparently I should be patient - approx a week.  I haven't explored the complete extent of this wood and got a bit lost ending up along some overgrown and muddy paths - had to use "Maps" on my iPhone to get me back on track.  Had a longer walk than planned but Ginny wasn't complaining.  Every dog is different - she bounded about even when we went through a part that is mostly made up of sweet chestnut trees and the fallen spiky "shells" that surround each nut carpeted the floor.  My previous dachshund refused to make one more step once she felt these spiky shells on the woodland floor.  She wasn't that keen on pebbly beaches either - must have had very soft pads on her feet. 
Once back to the car I decided to leave Westwood for another day and headed home with a couple of iPhone shots.  The Estuary was sparkling as I drove parallel to it and then as I drove past this Station I caught sight of a nice framed view.  Turned round and quickly parked.  This was the first and was exactly what I had seen.  Glad I took this as quite a few people ambled through the scene and although I was prepared to include one or two none of them made up a satisfying solo shot or group.  With photography it is about right time, right place, right light, right tide and annoyingly the earth doesn't stay still for a minute.  The sun tracked out from behind the tree and I could no longer place the lamp post in a central position.  The trials of a casual photographer!   OK so it's not an absolute cracking shot but it interested me about how fleeting a moment can be.  I pass this spot most days but never stopped before.

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