Sorpresa, Sorpresa!

In need of some diversion to get me away from my work desk, and with Dd's permission, I succumbed to buying the one-off season ticket that FC Barcelona offered me this week.

I have been on the waiting list for a permanent seat for 11 years, so I thought this was a good way to check out if I would really enjoy it.

In some ways, I'm trying to connect with the passion and excitement of my attendance at St. Mirren matches with my late father when Sir Alex Ferguson was our manager.

For me, there is nothing better than being up close to the pitch able to hear the players pant and the thwack the of the ball.  I also think regular attendance brings a closer connection. In truth, I find watching football on television pretty boring and only really get involved if things get exciting in the last 20 minutes. 

The BIG surprise was that this ticket for El Clasico (Barcelona vs Real Madrid), this coming Sunday, is included in the package. All the literature said that it was not. 

This ticket alone would cost more than half of what I paid for the season ticket which includes up to another 20 matches!

There's only one way that I am not going on Sunday and that is if HarryJ jumps on a plane and takes up the offer of substituting me!

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