Mixed ......
....... Day!
Not been 100% today , phone the chemist to see if my prescription was ready, yes says the girl who answered the phone , went over the items to be collected. Yes I was assured they were there. But again a mistake made by the assistant at the chemist , realised before I got home and had to go back. Hey ho, all's well that ends well.
I was really grateful "A" was able to take Daisy out for me today, she certainly enjoyed it too. Just as well Daisy is well adjusted , as she has had such a lot of different folks looking after her at frequent intervals just lately. Still it's cos' she is so secure ( just like children ).
I will need to put a double shuffle on tomorrow as it has been a wasted day as far as me getting things done.
Do hope Friday has been good for you blippers. Stay safe.
Thoughtful ..... Of those who are ill , wishing them well & a speedy recover
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