
Standing in an NHS queue is the best way to feel young.  Because I got jabbed so early I’m early up to the next stage (see Blip passim) and it was briefly enjoyable to be questioned about whether I was meant to be there.  Anyway Pfizer this time and the first time I have had any side effects but so far just a sore arm. 

Lots of discussion with production friends about what on earth could have gone wrong with the Alec Baldwin shooting, particularly lots of WhatsApp chats with my son Rory who is a camera assistant.  I have always been terrified of accidents on set…and have known and seen so many near misses. Even when the set is really well run. 

My lovely friend Manda came down to stay for the weekend with partner and my Godson Joe. They arrived late so we had a late dinner and chatted into the night 

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