Lazy Sunday
Managed to crawl out today for a quick garden centre trip and a short walk on the Garleton Hills, where this shot was taken. Bit dull really (the shot) but I'm sucker for the orangey colours you get in last year's grass seed heads.
We ventured a barbie for lunch, though I think we were well on the borderline for being outside, with the chilly wind whistling around! Conor, our proto-vegetarian 4 year old was asking about his burger:
"Who made this burger?"
"The farmer"
"The farmer at the Happy Pigs Farm?"
<Long pause>
"So, this is made from pig?"
"And apple"
<Long, tense pause>
"Ok" munch munch munch
The rest of the day was devoted to the garden. I'd hoped the kids would help with lots of repotting that needed done, and planting some seeds. They, however, were happier in front of a dinosaur program on the telly, so I had a blissfully lonely afternoon up to my elbows in compost.
I put some photos from yesterday on flickr, including the red squirrel and a Slowworm I probably forgot to mention.
EDIT: I should add that I've nothing against vegetarianism (indeed, I was a vege for a long, long time). It's just that limiting Conor's diet when he's already allergic to most forms of protein would be troubling.
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