If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Shaggy Inkcap ( Coprinus comatus )

It is clear that we are well into the "Fungus Season".  There were a number popping up through the gravel at the Lodge and next door's lawn was awash with them.  This clump growing just under the verandah beside the steps appealed to me so that is the blip.

An easily identified fungus that I am told is delicious but with an extremely short shelf life.  I read that if you leave one on the table overnight all you have in the morning is a black stain.   The cap breaks down into black goo owing to autolysis (uses its own enzymes to break down).

We had a mystery at the Lodge.  There was a car parked in the parking area.  At first, we assumed the guests hadn't left.  Then we thought they must have brought two cars and left one while they did something locally for part of the day.  We texted them and no it wasn't theirs.  Occasionally neighbours will park but they are rarely there long, this car was still there when we left.

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