My little David Attenborough!!
Science week at school, last day go dressed as your favourite scientist. Bryn's obvious choice!!
Busy busy again rushing about, managed a sneaky catch up with a friend and then onto school, where Draco the snake was the star of the day. Bryn and Zak were very informative and answered all the children's questions perfectly. Proud mummy moment.
This afternoon took dogs for a short walk this included mud lots of it, shouting, sore throat, 2 naughty pooches and 3 baths!!!! That was not a proud mummy moment!!
And this evening I went ninjaring where I beat my frustrations out on the pads, ok I have no frustrations but if I did I would!! I have been left with shaky arms and feeling a little hyper alot hyper i need to calm down, I think, or I will never sleep!!
I also am very excited because tomorrow we are going to my favourite club Pink Punters, we have had some of the best nights out there ever, lots often all dressed in women's clothes dancing!!! Fabularrrrsee can't wait!!! I will never sleep tonight!!
:)) x
my perfection side that wants the perfect shot is looking at this and moaning at me about his feet, but I love his face in this, now I've pointed it out I orob should have said nothing cause who cares it's my journal but its nagging me. So when I look back ill know why I did it!!! See hyper!!!! :))
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