The Orient Express

By koko

Grimshaw Hall

Grimshaw Hall was built in about 1560 and was occupied by the Grimshaws for about 150 years, little is known about this family. The Hall itself was sold in 2000 for 2.4m and sold again in 2003 for 1.8m. An interesting feature of Grimshaw Hall is the scratching of Nancy and Fanny Grimshaw's names on one of its glass windows dating back to 1718. This beautiful tudor house can only be clearly seen during some of the year due to being covered and hidden by the greenery surrounding it.
This imagine was taken by my new toy, as you may remember my sony camera packed up mid shutter and was sent back to sony for repair. After a bill of almost £200 quoted, i decided to get a new camera. So yesterday after deciding on the two camera's i was going to take a closer look at i had the task of deciding which one. The choice was between canon 60D and Nikon D7000, nikon having very slightly better reviews, the nikon was handed to me first and i instantly liked the feel and look. Then it was the canon, instantly it became 2nd best until i found out the nikon's live view viewfinder didn't move, something i was used to with my previous camera. So i took the canon home, well all night long i knew in the back of my mind, my heart was with the nikon. All day long i was still having these same thoughts, so the moveable viewfinder seemed to much of a reason not to have the camera i knew i really wanted. So i made the decision to take the canon back, suddenly worried the shop would say no you can't do that, but they were very good and swopped it instantly. It must be the indecisive libran in me. I have taken it out for an hour tonight and i can safely say that so far i love the new camera and i am now a Nikon girl. My good friend has not long purchased one and i know its going to be fun learning together. Ha ha i'm going to let her do the hard work and then pick her brains !! (only joking)

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