Rainbow dinosaurs and books

.... what shopping looks like with Katie.

I had to go into work first thing and she sat in the car for a while. We spent a couple of hours wandering the shops today. It’s always a challenge, clothes shopping for her. The stuff her age is not at all her style and she finds it frustrating that she can’t choose things in the shops. However we successfully purchased this tshirt from the boys section that we had seen online and were informed by the system that there was just one, only her size, in stock locally! We also got essentials leggings. We wandered every other shop with kids clothes in the shopping centre and there was nothing at all she wanted. She did buy a nice book though.

After going back into work for half an hour to lock up and sort the cleaners, we went back to our town centre and tried one or two other options.... we successfully found a second (apparently boys) t-shirt. Orange with glittery dinosaurs. Meant to be! And another book....

The rest of the day... well, she’s powering through the Sabrina episodes, played Lego and practiced. With some really focussed work during her bassoon. Then more Sabrina.....!

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