Temple Tours

By wakakajennie

tourists in our town - Broughton St. Deli.

Alice and I started our day with our first ever table for two. Normally the boys tag along, but not today. Pure joy for Alice as she was allowed double chocolate; hot & cupcake. We then had a marathon day of freebies including...

- a show by ex-students of mine at Whitespace Gallery

- The Portrait Gallery

- A visit to our friend Xana who was working in her mammy's shop - the fantastic Herman Brown - beautiful stock in just now, and pretty much always

- A walk through the Grassmarket, up Victoria Street and down the High Street with a stop off at St Giles to look at the memorial for Robert Louis Stevenson. This is definitely worth a trip if only to observe how unconvincing the quill is which replaced his original cigarette.

- a trip to the Museum of Childhood

- a stop off to the amazing glitter and wonderfulness of another friend, Janet's shop: Rene Walrus

and finally...

- a run around outside the Parliament in the actual real life sunshine.

Phew. We are all tired and well ready for bed, and very thankful for such amazing free stuff right on our doorstep.

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