Round midnight
Cheating a bit, well it was just after midnight when I took this photo. Down to the last few diehards dancing in the street. Sorry about the quality, and see yesterday's entry.
This afternoon, S being absent, Ingrid took his place and we went to see Zaï Zaï Zaï Zaï at the Centre culturel. It's a play based on a graphic novel/comic strip, but cleverly it involved no visual effects at all. The five actors stood at a long table with microphones, and an extra two actors at the side of the stage had a range of items to do sound effects with. So it was like a radio play with some visual gags too.
It was very funny, based on a cartoonist who gets to the checkout at the supermarket and finds he doesn't have his loyalty card. The supermarket security guard attempts to arrest him, and he flees, to become a fugitive pursued by the gendarmes. Lots of poking fun at journalists, the police, and social mores in general. Also included simulated BDSM involving a leek.
At the end, the actors invited all 200 people in the audience onto the stage for a drink. It didn't seem like there'd be enough to go round; some people left, but a little bird whispered to us, so we stayed and got a plastic beaker of wine and an extra series of funny tableaux by the actors in our midst. It was such fun, we all left with smiles on our faces.
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