A touch of covid

Having felt a bit groggy yesterday and coughing a bit, I did a home covid  test which  was positive, followed by a PCR  test which confirms a positive result. 
Mono Monday’s theme is inventions. The pulse Oximeter was invented in 1974 by Takuo Aoyagi who died last year, and it is credited with saving many lives.
We bought one of these little gadgets last year, stuck it in a cupboard and forgot about it until yesterday. 
My GP rang this morning. Apparently they send out a community team to test your Oxygen levels if you’re over 65 years old . I told him we had a meter and I was checking it regularly. If it goes below 93 you have to call an ambulance. It’s well over that. The pulse is pounding a bit but I think that’s all part of the virus.
He asked where I got it and I thought he meant the oximeter and I replied that it was probably from Amazon. After a slight pause he said he meant where did I think I had picked up COVID!
So I’m under ‘house arrest’  now for ten days. Bored already. 
Mono Monday, inventions. Thanks Laurie54 for hosting.

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