Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Two pairs of dark eyes!

I went into Hexham this morning to run one or two errands. I met Molly and her adoring slave owner in the main street, waiting outside the mobile phone shop.

Molly was delighted to have my attention and tried various poses. It was hard to see her sparkling black eyes amongst all her black fur.

I met Maureen (who has been caring for Mum) for a coffee. On my way back to my car, I saw Molly again, this time on the lap of a woman. She was surprised when I greeted Molly by name!!

The fluorescent tube in the utility room was flashing alarmingly last night. I bought a new one and, thankfully, a starter motor too. I think the starter was really the problem. It took me a while to jiggle the tube into place and even longer to fix the starter motor. We have light again. Hooray.

Otherwise, I've just been doing the usual post holiday sorting out. Margret came over for a chat and a catch up this afternoon. 

Life steadily returns to normal.

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