Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Oldies but Goodies


This morning we visited Mr S's Aunt Sybil. She is 95 and and a lovely lady. Although she is almost blind, up until recently she did her own baking and gardening (and likes to sunbath in her bra - she told me once!).

She was delighted to see No 1 and No 3 (but missed No 2), and was full of stories. I hope I am just like her when I am 95.

In the afternoon we travelled to Bath to visit the Roman Baths. What a wonderful place! My big sister in Oz would love it ! Although it was very busy and some people (foreign!!!) are VERY rude, they barge past small children and people in wheelchairs to see everything first. Their children were the worst.

By contrast - we have found the people of Somerset to be very kind and chatty, and extremely content. After speaking to Aunt Sybil, her generation were very content with their lot in life - unlike our society...always pushing for more,more,more.

This evening we watched a program about Pompeii with No 1 and No 3. She seems to be fascinated by ancient Romans (and volcanoes and death!!)

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