The dropped stitch

By Bodkin

waves meeting thoughts

Quite a busy morning working. A fine, bright day and Orkney was looking good. I stopped on the way home to take some photos of the waves, then it was a case of hurrying back for a Zoom meeting. 

It was an interesting and inspiring session - a gathering of people from all over Scotland, discussing ways to develop and encourage community-led and co-operative housing.

It's wonderful how technology allows such a geographically spread group of people to meet up so easily. There is, though, the downside that it's not possible to have a chat over a coffee after the formal meeting. It's just a case of 'Goodbye' and switch off. I would just have liked the chance to talk over more ideas, compare notes and also to get to know these people.
For today, at least, there was nothing for it but to scribble down a few notes and then get on and make the tea.

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