lrjlo - Suburban Explorer

By lrjlo

Odd socks

It was only when I got home that I realised I had odd socks on. I'm sure I decided on the purple Rudolph ones since I only got dressed at 6pm. But somehow I ended up wearing one white with stars and one purple with reindeer on. I think this best sums up the state I am in today.

Yesterday was horrible. I felt horrendous but had to drag myself into work because the rest of my team weren't in. I had to get a blood test done in the middle of the day too. My dad kindly picked me up but we got stuck in traffic which was stressful and I only just made it. Then the nurse made me take an STI test as well as the blood tests. I think that is standard procedure for young adults. I can't wait to be over 25 and considered "responsible" by the authorities rather than one of these suspicious "young people". I went back to work but by mid afternoon I felt weak, feverish and nauseous so I went home.

Today I woke up with the same sore throat and swollen glands as the last few days so as my boss was going to be in the office, I took a sick day. I slept for most of the morning and while I slept the swelling in my throat gradually went down and the pressure in my head eased. Sleep is like magic!

This evening I thought I'd go out to get a bit of fresh air. I walked to Sainsbury's and I felt ok until I got into the supermarket and suddenly the bright lights and all the different products trying to grab my attention felt overwhelming and I felt weak and detached from the situation and had to cling to my trolley for support. I managed to find some things I wanted but they were totally sold out of Easter eggs. Word on the street is that this entire town is sold out of Easter eggs. I'll have to try and find one tomorrow. I guess with the cold people are staying home and trying to gain fat to keep them warm in the relentless Arctic conditions.

Living with people is difficult. The mountain of unclaimed washing up keeps growing and nobody else seems to take out the bins. They also let their food splatter all over the microwave and hobs without cleaning up. It's really frustrating me to not be able to find any clean cutlery. Last night one of my housemates told me she'd spent the previous night throwing up. So I've been obsessively hand washing and cleaning door handles. I have a phobia of stomach bugs or anything else that will make me sick. Any time anyone mentions illness I find myself instinctively reaching for the antibacterial hand gel. I think it's because the last time I had a stomach bug, nearly 5 years ago, I ended up with IBS and I still have it. I fear everything about being sick. I can handle any illness as long as it doesn't make me sick.

I think it'll take me a while to get over the tiredness aspect of this virus or whatever that I've got. I'm meant to be going to a gig on Saturday night. Here's hoping more sleep makes everything better.

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