BCAM2021 Day 26
I had arranged for a sofa/carpet cleaner to come today. He did a great job and it felt like a proper spring clean … yes it is spring in the Southern Hemisphere, I’m still getting used to it.
Cleaning done, we thought we should leave the house for a bit to let the sofas and carpets dry out and not walk on them.
We drove to North Lakes to get some lights and mirror, so glad we had a reason to drive that 1 hr there and back. Coming back we hit a storm and Jon did really well negotiating heavy rain and traffic.
Spotted this sign as we waited at the traffic lights. An unusual spot for it but a great message!
Home to put everything back in place and enjoy clean sofas and carpets.
Just a few more days that we’ll be clicking all together for BCAM, so would you be so kind and click on this link that provides free mammograms to those who need it.
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