Back on the Walkies

Having spent days in the dining room on my knees, I managed to get out for a lovely long walk. Just me, Fluffy Legs and my radio. We walked for miles.

I tried to wash the mud off my boots so did a bit of paddling.

As we passed Kingscote, I heard an almighty bang after the groundsman passed me on his way to the maintenance barn. I was a bit worried about him so called my friend Ally who works there and she called him to check. All was fine. He just threw something on the bonfire! He was grateful for me checking on him anyway.

I called Mr W to ask him to run Fluffy Legs and me a bath. Not together obvs!! Hers is in the kitchen sink. Mine was to help ease my back thats starting to protest. I'm surprised its held out as long as it has to be honest!!!

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