The Power of Water II

Spike was acting decidedly bonkers yesterday and I was worried enough about him that I didn't sleep well last night. However he seemed his usual chipper self today, so we wrote it off to a whole day with absolutely no way to run off his abundant energy.  Despite the threatening skies, we took him to Spring Lake this morning.

We found the park closed due to flooding. I have a feeling that the 'vortex rehabilitation' that they have been working on sporadically for months probably had something to do with preventing flooding, but they don't seem to have gotten on with it enough for that to happen. Not only is the lake completely covering  the lakeside path, but the big trenches they dug for the vortex are also full of water.

We were, however, able to park outside the park and take the high road which is our preference because nobody is around and Spike can be off his lead. He must run two or three miles for every one we walk. 

The gravel road in today's picture was put in over the summer as a fire road. The water carved quite an impressive channel in it which is still filled with running water. The pond, much beloved by Ozzie, has been a marshy reed bed all summer, but is now returned to its former glory (except for the muddy brown color). We didn't encourage Spike to go there. He was wet enough already, and well occupied with his other explorations

It didn't seem like it was raining much, but all three of us were decidedly 
drookit by the time we got back to the car, so John and I went to the Trail House for a hot coffee and a breakfast burrito. Spike stayed in the car....

I was waiting for David to put in our new sliding barn doors in the office to start a new quilt project, but  David, like the supply chain and the employment situation is unpredictable and, like the pastries at Trail House, he hasn't shown up yet. The good thing is that it keeps me out of trouble, but I do tend to become quite obsessed. As a result comments may be even more sporadic than usual....

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