
By Paladian

Purple Haze

You know what? I just love taking photographs, I really do.

So, last night I was reading an article about macros and this bloke suggested a technique for a wide angled close ups. You use a wide angle lens, but with a narrow extender tube. You have to get fairly close to the subject to get a focus, but the results can be pretty awesome. I can't approach the result that this chap got, but I am more than happy with this image.

I don't have a clue what this flower is called, but I bought it at the garden centre the other day because I noticed it was crawling with bees and butterflies. I haven't seen a bee or a butterfly on it since I brought it home!!

Do please look deeper into its purpleness . It's almost like you are standing inside the flower.

All in all, it's been a really good day. We went up to the Belair National Park this afternoon for a wander, and despite the fact there were quite a few hikers there, the Rower managed to get a new bird for BigBlipyear. WooHoo.

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