Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Sunrise at the Cowrie Hole

Using a website it was predicted there would be some high cloud around this morning so worth setting the alarm to get up for a sunrise shot.  One of the inventions of today I find really useful.   So segwaying (another invention) into Mono Monday can I first say there has been an operator error so all hearts will be awarded tomorrow when replenished.  I wish Laurie54 a speedy recovery and thank her for her fabulous themes this month.   Next month is hosted by Carolina.   Please see here for her themes.

Now I have to say it was very hard to pick favourites today as so many really deserved a heart but my hearts will go to the following:

Skeena for emercalls.
ApolloFly for the dishwasher.   Did you know it was invented by a woman.
Stujphoto for micro circuits. 
BanksiaMan for the pocket watch.
and Chris_P for the compass.

HMs to the following:

Ingeborg for the map.
DonnaWanna for tissues.
KangaZu well perhaps not strictly an invention.
sk for something I have never seen before
Honeycombebeach for all you ever wanted to know about the bra
loulou164 on sliced bread and keep reading the comments and she will tell you a bit more about it.

And I'll leave you with more of this morning's sunrise in the extra with a fisherman.   The rod has been around for a while but the reels are a whole new ball game.

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