
Himself has been tired and grumpy all day, suffering from a bout of  'Football Flu' / 'It's Not A Hangover It's A Cold'.  His Mum had forgotton about her hospital appointment when her got there to collect her so she was very  anxious; I expect he spent most of the morning shouting at her too.  Without getting to the bottom of why it couldn't be done over the phone, her heart is fine for an 85 (or maybe 86, who can remember and what difference does it make anyway) y/o but they need to change some of her other meds.   That will be traumatic in it's own right as they are bound to look different so she won't take them.

We'll deal with that next week.

My morning was 4.5hrs of back to back video calls, all ones I needed to concentrate on, followed by some placating of grumpy stakeholders as I'd told them I wasn't extending someone's contract just to hold their hand through something they should have spotted in the first place (I didn't say it quite like that, but almost)  Tomorrow is better, I only have a couple of meetings and I'm going to the office so will get some peace.  Luckily I wasn't there today as there was a 'police incident' (a stabbing) outside last night and the main entrance has been cordoned off all day.

I did realise as I went to  the dentist later that I hadn't been outside teh house since Tuesday. That's not good.  I have a new dentist, oddly, the older brother of my old one.  I didn't like him as much, but then again my old one was probably the best dentist I've ever had.  He doesn't do general dentistry now, just implant work.

Anyway, nothing needed doing!  Which was good. 

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