Yesterday's ......
1 of 3 gifts!
I'm very blessed to have such lovely gifts, this was 1 of the bouquets of flowers yesterday, they were completely green but 24 hours have got them becoming white already.
The rain is intermittent but very heavy when it starts. Do hope I can get in and out of the hairdressers in the dry, it really needs doing as I missed last week.Julie came and did my pedicure this morning too. Poor girl had an awful cold, & I agree it's because we have lost our natural immunities due to lockdown & not allowing ourselves to be out and about. To avoid being near all people completely is not helping. As she says we need to be cautious but not avoid everyone .
Hey ho, maybe one day folks will learn.
Keep dry everyone and enjoy your Friday.
Thoughtful ...... about being careful as wet leaves are treacherous .
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