
By Hillyblips

The Peanut

I hid peanuts and monkey nuts in the tree hollows hoping for action this afternoon with black clouds rolling in and torrential downpours forecast. I hadn't even put up my hide on the terrace (a three minute job) when down the rain came. 

Opening the conservatory doors after the deluge the dogs looked at me like I was bonkers - no flies on them - and trotted into the hide with essential accessories: thick coat, cushion, tripod ...

This magpie came in hesitantly and after a while pulled out the goodies. He ate a peanut, and put one with a monkey-nut on the top of the bark when something spooked him.

Knowing there was food brought in eventually seven others, two of which peered at the larder - see harder and more concentrated peering in Extra whilst the others flew around screeching ..... and then they swapped places.

To see who was the bravest little bird who came home with stash see Extra. This pleased me no end and did bring a smile to my face. Let's hear it for the gutsy small birds!! 

Disappointingly the saying, 'If you pay peanuts you get monkeys,' wasn't the case today. Working on it but monkeys are few and far between here in Tewkesbury.

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