dear daddy…

…14 years

has now passed

since you’ve been gone

and we all got - that fateful phone call - i still miss you - every day although the - pain of that initial grief - and loss has lessened over - the years to a dull ache

i have learned - and would encourage others - to not only embrace life - to live in the moment - enjoying simple things and all that - is around them - but not to wait - not to be shy - with their loved ones - to gather them close - hug them always - and say, ‘i love you’ - as if it’s their last - day on the planet

you were not necessarily - demonstrative with your affections daddy - but you never left any - doubt in my mind that - i was your princess daughter - and you loved me with - every fiber of your being - knowing that soothes my soul - helps the grief - makes my memories sweeter - and allows me to strive towards…


happy day.....

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