
By ruth_mottram

Persicaria Amplexicaulis

Probably overdid things the last few days so tried to take it easy at home today. I still have a terrible cold, or maybe a mild flu? Either way it's pretty annoying and I'm very tired and possibly a bit grumpy with it.

Anyway, this patch of persicaria caught my eye when I finally took some fresh air round the garden in the afternoon. The clump was perfectly caught in the Autumn sunlight with shade all around.
It's a brilliant garden plant, tolerates dry shade as well as wetter soils and flowers all through the summer. It's also good as a cut flower. So definitely a winner and I love it.

It was a nice peaceful moment, albeit a brief one.
Had some not so great news at work as well so all in all not a great day but an evening on the sofa watching Dr Who with kids saved it.
The writing in series 12 is a bit weak but the concepts are great and the kids are learning some history this way too, today it was Ada Lovelace and Noor Inayat Khan ("Madeleine").

Managed a little bit of sewing from the eternal mending pile too, but mainly aiming for a relaxing weekend to try and shake this virus off finally.

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