
By alwayswandering

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I promise not to indulge in the small animal from a distance phase for too long...

The park today was full of the weirdest sounded like something in between a hundred frogs and a hundred cicada bugs. They were frogs! Now...I am no stranger to frogs. I fell asleep to the bass sound of bull frogs and tweep of tree frogs for most of my life. I only discovered three years ago that there are frogs that twang like a rubber band. The pond in Syracuse is full of those kinds of frogs. And today, just 120 miles east at another small pond, we heard this incessant trilling with no discernible beginning or end (more like a cicada!). Near silent yesterday the place was humming today...and at a closer look...there was a freakin' frog every 12 inches! Very cool.

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