Dune at The Dome

Elbows did some kite flying with HatBox in the pouring rain whilst I did some shopping and then we hit The Dome cinema for a late afternoon viewing of ‘Dune’.

It’s certainly an epic and I am looking forward to Part 2 but NoaNoa had declared it to be “the best film I’ve ever seen”. I don’t think it’s that .. that would be a really hard label to place.

And then NoaNoa arrived by train, having had a days work at The Emirates. But being 17, he has had to learn some train wisdom - getting a lift across London takes longer than taking a tube, and when trains split, you need to be in the right carriages.

So he landed up in Lewes, not Worthing,
and over an hour later as well, making it the small hours of Saturday. Lessons learnt. Nice to have him with us.

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