Blue tangle
A nice but busy day today. Dad was here to help again with door handles and various DIYs. I enjoy doing the DIY, and I enjoy learning from him. Mum also was here today and made her wonderful pasties! They were as good as always even though she wasn't in her own kitchen.
Mr T is a bit mixed at the moment. He's confused about where he is and thinks he has to be doing lots of things, like paying for burgers. I applied for the Council Tax reduction for incapacity, which is a 25% reduction a few months back and I knew it had reached the GP. They must have approved it as I got a revised bill yesterday. It is called a disregarded deduction. I think that's an awful word to use. Why not use exempt? Disregarded sounds cruel and like the person no longer matters, which being as they have to be lacking capacity to qualify, in my mind is an example of some form of discrimination.
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