
By dfb24


...this car belongs to a huge fan of the Milwaukee Bucks Basketball Team, who in July won the NBA (National Basketball Association) Championship Title for the first time in 50 years. I actually saw this car on the expressway a couple of days ago, and tonight as I was out for my walk it was parked in front of a little local restaurant, so I had to take a photo. The flag (which is much more impressive in the wind, & says "Champions...Milwaukee Bucks") is hanging out from the sunroof and I have no idea how he mounted the deer onto the front of the car, but it really made me laugh!   Such a gorgeous fall day today: 60 degrees and sunny, so I raked up the leaves on the front lawn, cut back my hydrangeas, & did a little calking along the edge of the sunporch. On my walk, besides seeing the Bucks car, I met two of the children who live down the block. Their parents moved in toward the end of the summer. The boy looked to be about 10 and the girl maybe 7. He and Lucy--their rambunctious dog-- were following his sister as she rode her bike, which just had the training wheels taken off. I heard all about Lucy, (who was incessantly barking at me) and she was quite a handful for the boy to contain. He told me he was sorry that she was barking at me, but I told him one of the jobs of a family dog was to keep her family safe, so that's what she was doing. He thought about it for a few seconds, then patted her on the head and told her she was a good dog. He assured me that she wouldn't hurt anyone, and asked if I could please stop walking and just stand next to him for a moment so Lucy would know I was okay and would stop barking. (I did, and Lucy did stop barking. Good dog/smart boy!) I asked them if they were going Trick-or-Treating tomorrow night, and they said yes. Then the girl asked (in all seriousness) if I were going Trick-or-Treating too. It made me laugh, and I told her no, because I was going to stay home and hand out lots of candy, so they'd better come to my house. They quickly assured me they would, if I'd just point out which one it was. (which I did). I just love talking to smart little kids, especially when they're well mannered, and these certainly were.  All and all a wonderful day.   :)

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