Saturday sunset and end of British summertime

After breakfast cycled across to town to buy some flowers from the market for D.  The market and town 2as pretty quiet.  My former school colleague and friend D was having an art exhibition of her grandchildren's art and her own. I crossed town on pretty empty roads.

It was delightful to see how D had encouraged her grandchildren's engagement with art.  Art figures minimally if at all on the curriculum for some schools.  My art lessons were immensely enjoyable and hugely valuable and stress-free.  They are vital for less academic children or those with special needs.
My journey home was fraught. At one point I was cut up by a silver gas-guzzler and risked falling in the water channel between road and pavement so wheeled my bike on the pavement instead.  Traffic was queueing for a quarter of a mile presumably for the car parks.  
Goodness knows what they will do when one of the multistorey car parks will become a hotel - which shopkeepers, pubs and residents don't want - with only ground floor parking.

Prepared dinner and walked hound in the sunny afternoon. 

Lovely sunset this evening.

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