60th birthday - Backblip

On June 10th I had my 60th birthday. Not to be celebrated with everybody, due to my little apartment and Covid. My brothers came the night before and on this day we went to a sea mammal park, especially known for the dolphins. They're desperately trying to be dolphin friendly and the best way to do that is to get rid of them. So I invited my brothers on a day trip there while they're still there. As well as the only walruses we have in the Netherlands. The weather was great, so we had a great day. But I won't really be sorry to see the park go. If the dolphins and walruses go, there's not much left worth visiting. I am very curious what they're going to do with it. 

Afterwards we drove back to my hometown and had pancakes in a restaurant situated at the river. 

When we got home several parcels had been delivered. One with chocolate, one with the 60 balloon. Which has stuck around for 3 months. A great surprise! Along with some gifts from work earlier on and from my brothers this has to be my blip. 

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