Slippery Sunday

A slow day. Catching up with Guilt - the Scottish noir that I am enjoying. Followed by a couple of FaceTime catch ups. As the sun came out between the showers I went out to the front garden to pull the summer flowers from the window boxes. Their time has come and it will soon be in with the winter plants.

Seeing a snail trying its luck for a quick getaway I put it down under a lamp for another play with the new macro lens. The focusing was difficult because it was moving so fast (geddit?). But it got better when I tried it advancing towards me. Still a lot to learn about the macro lens but it is certainly fun to see how the little beasties look in fine detail.

Because Snaily ( for that was its name) made a plucky model I took it back out into the garden for a reprieve. I explained to it that the deal was that in exchange for being rescued it wouldn't eat any of the plants. But would you trust a creepy snail?

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