
There was a heck of a racket outside this morning when I got up.
When I opened the curtains the Rowan tree was full of Sparrows (I think)  - and a Blackbird. They were going nuts at the Magpie.

I don't think the cactus knows when it is meant to flower - it seems to miss both Christmas and Easter.

This morning I found a piece of Zebrano (zebra wood) lurking at the back of a shelf in the garage.
When I went to cut it the blade came off the runners in the bandsaw. Luckily it didn't break. It took me a while to reset it all but it seems to be a bit better than when I replaced the blade a while back, but I still think it is getting to the end of its life.
I have shaped the dish but it will still need to be finished.
I also brought the helmet I use in to the house to charge the battery and clean the filters. I was hoping that they could be washed, but I don't think that is going to happen.

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