Head space (Day 2367)

After the morning wander with Sigyn, and armed with an angle grinder, my beautiful wife and I headed to Stromness to do battle with the caravan again. In under five minutes I was the clear winner, having chopped the offending leg off the caravan. We got it hitched up and towed out of the field with no problems.
Along at our other field, we collected the other caravan and moved it to where it will be spending the winter, then trundled along to get out on George and Red. We had an excellent ride. I was complemented on my riding position by an ex member of the Household Cavalry, and George was full of mischief and keen to have as much fun as possible.
Back home for lunch, then we took Sigyn to Stromness for a wander and a last check on the horses before the forecasted rain arrived.

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