
I have never been so wet, including during all those hours spent mid ocean in storms and gales, as I got this morning while I was riding. I had all the right gear on, and it was all waterproof, but I was still wet EVERYWHERE. It was raining so hard at one point i had to stop, neither the lovely Puzzle or I could see. He was a dream, but had definitely had enough. 

The funniest thing was working out what I could take off to drive home and still be decent if I was stopped!

After a shower and a lot of wringing, and tipping in the case of my boots, out, the sun obviously came out for the rest of the afternoon. 

iHimself is still getting over his cold so I dragged him out for a walk (to the heady heights of the Coop to buy tea) later. He managed about a mile before he flagged, a sign perhaps that going into the office tomorrow isn't wise.

With the perfect storm of Dr Who, Halloween, Diwali and Guy Fawkes this week the cats are firmly ensconsed in their favourite hiding places, behind or under a sofa and I'm finishing off last nights wine.

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