Big Hill

By bighill


finally around 5pm i got the glaze kiln was a tricky one...orders needed to go into kiln and the space was tight!!!  anyway, it's on and i'm relaxing.

We have a lovely woman staying in the Spruce Cabin, Suzy, she's been here a few times before - originally from England and with a delightful English accent...she came into the studio just as i was putting the last few pieces into the kiln.   When she was here last year she purchased one of my paintings.....and so this time she purchased another....can this qualify is a 'collector'...hahahahaha.    Anyway, we had a lovely chat and I was rather embarrassed at the mess of a pile of paintings i had for her to look thro....but she didn't seem to mind at all!

The nights are fair drawn they say!   6.00 pm and it's already dark outside!!!

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