
We haven’t been able to come up here for three weeks, so it was good to travel up to Holly today.

Cumbria has had some extreme weather in the last few days. Just a week or two ago, there were potential drought issues, with Hawes Water - which is the “header tank” in the water supply system - down about 20%. Then torrential rain, and Lake Windermere - which is 11 miles long - rose by 1 metre. Unsurprisingly, we have seen flooded fields and meadows, and everywhere just feels very soggy.

Arriving it was great to see big flocks of redwings, newly arrived from Scandinavia and northern Russia. And to hear the fallow deer stags bellowing. This male, who we encountered late afternoon, has clearly not been successful in the mating game, and was taking time out on his own in the partially flooded sports field.

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