
Today was potentially one of the most depressing days ever. It's awful working a bank holiday, knowing that practically everyone else is off work. Even worse, it looks like today might well have been the first day of Spring and I missed it cooped up in Gyle Square!

Ok enough of a rant. It was nice to leave the office in the sunshine this afternoon. I headed out for a quick run when I got home too, to try and take advantage of the nice weather.

I just did a nice old faithful 5 mile route. The legs felt pretty heavy, so I've got to admit it wasn't my best 5 miler, but it's done now.

This is the view from behind Arthur's Seat looking over Duddingston Loch.

Exercise: 5 mile run
March running mileage: 88 miles
2013 running mileage: 315.5 miles

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