An autumn bouquet,
My body has immediately adapted to it's winter routine now the clocks have gone back. Went to bed at a reasonable hour, slept well and didn't waken until after nine. I might not have woken then if the sun hadn't been shining. Maybe I have some Neanderthal genes or something but hibernation seems to be there in my DNA. This will be it until late January when light makes a noticeable return.
I was so pleased to see blue sky after yesterdays gloom and went into the garden to get a blip in case it vanished. It's been windy and there are leaves everywhere. I don't clear them up, just sweep them off the path onto the borders. The neighbour who dug out my stumps used to be a gardener for the National Trust and said I had fantastic soil. It wasn't like that when I arrived umpteen years ago. So sandy it closely resembled a beach.
Bits of housework got done and some tidying up in the front garden. Crocuses and anemone blanda were planted but there are more waiting and others besides. This week is hopefully going to be drier so maybe they'll be in by the weekend. Heard nothing from the electrician I phoned on Friday so I'll have to start again tomorrow. What a pain getting something repaired is.
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