
By Nettenet

I’m Being Spoilt

Nat asked me yesterday if I was able to pop over today and look after O while she was on an online call about returning to work in the new year.  We had a nice walk to the park, played on the swings and slide, a walk in the woods and around the block before returning home. I’ve been lucky to see him 4 times in the last week and loved every minute of it.

Meanwhile, Lucy took Tinks to the vets for me. Her paw hasn’t been right since she hurt it in the summer and often limps and this last week has sometimes been reluctant to put weight on it. On her pad and two toes she had a sort of blood blister marks and the vet decided to pierce it to relieve it. However, it was like bursting a blood vessel and they couldn’t stop it bleeding. She then had to be anesthetised for them to sort her out.  They cut away the sore bits on her paw and stitched them up. They also want to send samples off for analysis because they are a bit baffled to why it bled so much (although when she cut (???) it in the summer, we told them how much blood there was and we took her back when it started again). We have got to try and keep her in (nigh on impossible as she won’t use a litter tray) and it’s boiled chicken for dinner tonight. Again I’m not sure if she’ll eat it as she’s quite fussy.

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