Place: St Pete Beach, FL 63/74
Main activity: Mon - dogs
Notes: Temps from are not accurate - was in the 50s for several hours after I woke up. This stretch of road in Vina del Mar was seen many times today. I arrived at 8a and took Tessie for a walk. She kept wanting  to turn around so had a hard time keeping her going for 30 min. Taking Barney out then (as he goes crazy), Daisy and Tahi got out and started running down the road (fortunately on the road less busy). I caught Daisy and waited for Moira to grab her and then had to go at full speed quite a ways before I could catch Tahi. Joe was going to grab golf cart when Fairy also got by him! Was a bit traumatic! Finally all back and Barney and I walked and then took a break before doing the 3 girls. Didn't return to the beach until after 10a. Chilly but sunny day - did walk out on beach a little.

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