Autumn Walk

It was all but five years ago that we last visited Vogrie Country  Park and thought it time to go today.

We walked down to the house, where the cafe provided a delicious panini and fresh salad garnish, which we shared, then wandered up past the pond then down across the Vogrie Burn to the North Wood and through there back to the car park.

Extra collage shows a few of the points of interest along the way. starting top left and clockwise: in the North Wood looking back over to the main garden; one of the skeins of geese flying over, I count around 92 in this shot; a roe deer who stood motionless, giving me time to set up the camera shot; one of the many varieties of maple in full autumn glory; some very tiny worm-like creatures - a bracket fungus was lying on the grass, I flipped it over and several of these were on the underside; another fungus of indeterminate identity.

We also picked up a bagful of windfall apples, having collected here for several years, these need to be picked over and cooked but are perfect for jelly.

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