
By Aliscotia

Colours changing

The village has been invaded by the usual Autumn gulls, more than usual this year, they do add interesting movement to a photo though. 

Talking of movement, see the little garden visitor in extras (apologies for the poor quality), this very small hedgehog was wandering around the garden between 2 and 3.30pm today. As you know hedgehogs are usually not visible during the day unless they are sick. This one was digging around and so I put out some food which it did eat some of, then I spotted it having a drink. I think it is too small to survive hibernation so if we see it again in the garden this week we will capture it and take it to Vale Wildlife Centre where we took Sonica last year. This one doesn't appear to have ticks but apparently lungworm is quite common in juveniles at this time of year and that might be causing the daytime sojourn. 

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